Regaining Balance: A Guide to Vertigo and Physiotherapy

  • Understanding Vertigo

    Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness that can be caused by various factors, including inner ear issues, vestibular disorders, or other underlying health conditions. At Balance Physiotherapy, we specialize in addressing vertigo and helping individuals regain their balance and quality of life.

  • How Can Physiotherapy Help with Vertigo?

    1. Vestibular Rehabilitation:

    Our physiotherapy programs include vestibular exercises aimed at improving coordination, reducing dizziness, and enhancing overall balance.

    2. Epley Maneuver and Canalith Repositioning:

    For certain types of vertigo, our therapists are trained in techniques such as the Epley maneuver and canalith repositioning to address specific inner ear issues.

    3. Balance Training:

    We design personalized balance training exercises to improve stability and reduce the risk of falls associated with vertigo.

    4. Education and Coping Strategies:

    Understanding vertigo is crucial. We provide education about the condition and equip you with coping strategies to manage symptoms in daily life.

  • Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: Can physiotherapy cure vertigo?

    A: While physiotherapy may not "cure" vertigo in all cases, it is highly effective in managing and alleviating symptoms. Our goal is to improve your quality of life by minimizing the impact of vertigo on your daily activities.

    Q: How long does it take to see improvement with physiotherapy for vertigo?

    A: The duration of improvement varies depending on the underlying cause of vertigo and individual factors. Many individuals experience positive changes after a few sessions, and our team will continually assess progress and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

    Q: Is physiotherapy the only treatment for vertigo?

    A: Physiotherapy is one component of a comprehensive approach to managing vertigo. Our therapists work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals to ensure a well-rounded and effective treatment plan.

    Q: Can I still benefit from physiotherapy if I've had vertigo for a long time?

    A: Absolutely. Whether you've recently developed vertigo or have been experiencing it for an extended period, our physiotherapists will assess your condition and create a tailored rehabilitation plan to address your unique needs.

  • Take the First Step Toward Stability

    At Balance Physiotherapy, we understand the impact that vertigo can have on your daily life. Our skilled physiotherapists are here to guide you through a personalized rehabilitation plan, helping you regain your balance and confidence.

    Contact us today to schedule an initial assessment and embark on your journey to a steadier, symptom-free life.